Birth - starting at 1924 (current month)
Civil Unions
Domestic Partnership
For Information about historical vital records, 100 years or older, visit the State Archives web page or call 609-292-6260
Corrections are processed Mon. - Fri., 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM. For additional information and fees for filing a correction, you may contact us at (973) 733-6510.
New Jersey Divorce Decrees are available through the Superior Court of NJ Records Center for year 2013 and prior. For more information on obtaining a certified copy of a divorce decree, call The Records Center at 609-421-6100. You can also visit their website at
For Divorce Decrees that are not housed at the RIC in Trenton, years 2014 to current, contact the Family Division of the County in which the divorce took place. For Essex County call 973-776-9031 or visit their website at
$25 for initial copy, $4 each additional copy of same record
We now accept all debit and credit cards, cashier's check, and money orders
Certified check or money order payable to: “City of Newark"
Processing Time: Same Day Issuance
Newark Vital Statistics
394 University Avenue
Newark, NJ 07102
Monday - Friday
8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m
Processing Time:
Regular Mail: up to 4 weeks
Expedited Mail: (USPS ONLY) 7-10 business days
*In order to receive expedited service, you must Express mail your request to us and provide an Express mail return envelope with postage paid
You must include a self-addressed stamped return envelope (Address MUST match your Photo ID)
Processing Time:
Regular Mail up to 3 weeks
Expedited Mail (USPS ONLY): 5-7 business days
City Hall
920 Mayor Kenneth A. Gibson Blvd
Newark, NJ 07102