
April 20, 2018

Newark to Observe National Infant Immunization Week With "I Walked A Mile to Save a Child"

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Newark, NJ – April 11, 2018 – Mayor Ras J. Baraka and Department of Health and Community Wellness Director Mark Wade, MD, will celebrate the City of Newark’s Observance of National Infant Immunization Week by joining the “I Walked A Mile To Save a Child” Immunization Awareness Walk, starting at the front steps of City Hall on Tuesday, April 24, 2018 at 10:00 am. In case of rain, the walk will be postponed to Thursday, April 26, 2018 at 10:00 am.


The walk will proceed from the steps of City Hall and end at Lincoln Park. All children walking in the parade will receive a gift bag.


“In order to have a stronger Newark, we must also have a healthier Newark,” Mayor Baraka said. “Early vaccination and immunization is critical to ensuring that our children get a healthy start to a strong life. As a father, a 22-year educator, and Newark’s chief executive, I know firsthand the importance of early vaccinations in the lives of our youth. I urge all Newark families and caregivers to get their children the vaccinations they need.”


National Infant Immunization Week calls attention to the critical importance of vaccinating and immunizing infants by the age of two. Immunizations protect infants and children against 14 potentially serious diseases and vaccines are the most successful and cost-effective public health tool. During the Week, the Department of Health and Community Wellness will be offering “Project Vaccinate”, no-cost vaccinations for Newark children aged 2 months to 18 years of age at the Department’s 110 William Street Clinic from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.