The mission of the Rodent Control Bureau is to provide increased awareness of preventive measures related to rodent activity.
Complaint Investigation: Investigate rodent complaints for evidence of active signs of infestation and other causative consideration that are conducive to fostering rodents.
Rodenticide Treatments: The Rodent Control Bureau baits exteriors of properties that are rodent-infested, such as, rear yards and garages of City owned vacant buildings and City-owned lots.
Preventive Health Education: The Rodent Control Bureau conducts preventive health education through literature distribution to *Newark Community Based Organizations (CBOs)* and to individual properties within the communities citywide.
Surveys: The Rodent Control Bureau conducts comprehensive surveys of premises on a square-block basis to determine the presence and levels of rodents and sanitation conditions that are supportive of the continued existence of rodent infestation. Rodenticide treatment *of properties that have active* rodent signs are baited at the time the survey is conducted.
City Hall
920 Broad Street
Newark, NJ 07102